Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have been leveling quite fast as compared to my other guild mates. I am currently level 47 with only 5.5 bars to level 48. The closest one to me is level 42. We do have higher level people in the guild, but they don't play all that much except this one warlock who is level 58. Well, with me being up a bit higher then everyone else, I have had to start relying on pick up groups. At the time I was working on 5 quests I had in Zul'Farrak and I couldn't get any guild mates to go with me so I joined a PUG.

Group 1

I was the healer in this group. I don't mind healing although it is quite boring imo. We started out fairly well until someone in the group decided to post the damage meter every 5 minutes and it quickly turned into a competition instead of a group effort. I have this addon myself but I don't post for everyone, I use it as a personal reference. We had two rogues in this group and the lower level rogue was bragging at the higher level rogue because he was doing more damage then him. This quickly got ugly group wise. The lower level rogue was determined to stay above the higher level rogue and went ahead and attacked mobs whenever he wanted. He then pulled way to much and caused us to wipe but him. He then went on to say it wasn't his fault because he was still alive. (vanish, I'm not stupid.) I held my anger in but "your a jack@ss" did slip out. I left the group and called it a night.

Group 2

In this group I was tanking. I'm not an expert but I was doing pretty well imo. This group also had a guy that had to post the damage meter every 5 minutes. This group also became a competition. I found it very difficult to keep agro. They ticked me off so much I had to stop and I asked them to wait like 15 seconds till I had enough agro before they attacked. They yelled at me telling me thats way to long and just go in like we are doing. I held my temper in and went on with the group. Later on the shaman pulled agro off me and I let him die. Someone posted the damage meter and he lost the top spot. OMG did sh!t break loose. He went on to say I wouldn't be dead if we had a good tank and its not his fault he died. I had to stop him and tell him that he wouldn't be dead if hadn't pulled agro. He replied with "be a better tank". My temper was rising but I held it in. I only stuck with the group only because I wanted to finish the quests I had (I don't think I could deal with another PUG).

So I end this post with a question:

Was I a bad tank for not keeping up with the DPS?
Was the DPS at fault for not staying under my threat?

Please comment.


Carrie said...

You are not a bad tank for not "keeping up" with the DPS. If you were doing your job, and they were not paying attention to anything but their DPS output, anything that happens as a result of that is on their heads, not yours.

I hate pugs too.. smack your guildmates on the head and tell them to get leveling so you won't have to deal with this sort of hassle! :)

Prope said...

OK that makes me feel a whole lot better about my tanking skills. I don't tank often, I mostly use kitty form for soloing.

/target guildmate
/cast bonk head

Hopefully that will get them motivated!

TY for commenting!


Tricky said...

Yeah totally not your fault if group doesn't co-operate and work together as a TEAM.
If a PUG sucks, I move on.

Ardchoille, 70 NE Resto Druid.