As you know I play on Ursin a low population PvP realm. Am I getting ganked often?
...No, not really. Yes I have been ganked quite a few times but I am usually the one killing the little gnomes or the octo-face draenei. I guess I am just good and/or lucky. The fact I'm playing on a low population server is most likely why I'm not having to much trouble.
My PvP Experiences
Around level 25ish I was questing in Hillsbrad Foothills. Not much killing on my part. Turns out Taren Mill is a nice spot for the Alliance (or as we call them Lice) like to hang out. I was killed every half hour. Questing here was horrible.
Around my lower 30's I took a trip to Desolace and did quite a few quests here. Not many people seemed to be here so it was good for me. A octo-face paladin did try to kill me, /cast entangling roots /cast travel form (run away) /cast cat form /cast prowl, works like a charm. ;)
Stranglethorn Vale isn't as bad as Hillsbrad believe it or not.
My most memorable battle occurred here. I like to call it Mauled Midgets and Steak.
I was killing some panthers and some gnome comes and kills me, I rez and prowl around for my revenge. I find her killing some jungle people and kill her back. I continue killing panthers and about five minutes later I run into the rogue along with a priest. They were in the middle of killing some mobs and were both down to about 50% of health. Perfect timing! I kill the rogue first didn't take long and went away at the priest, took me a minute but eventually he went down. As the priest died the rogue had rez'd and began chasing me. /cast travel form. She chased me for two minutes spam yelling things in Common that I don't understand (I wonder what she was saying). I managed to get away but I ran into a ?? Human Warlock. There was no /cast cat form /prowl, he killed me right then and there.
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