Monday, March 31, 2008
Ding, 53!
I have totally been slacking lately. I have not been playing WoW much at all. (Been playing the PSP.) After that short week long break I am back and in full swing to 70. Today I leveled from 51 to 53. My play time has been cut a bit, since I don't get home till 6:30 on a good day. I am going to continue to level and hopefully reach Outlands asap (5 more levels!).
Monday, March 24, 2008
Spring Break is over. =( It went by so fast.
Today I did a few battlegrounds after dinging 51.
I did...
Arathi Basin...We won!
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Alterac Valley...We won!
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Warsong Gulch...Victory!
I ended up with around ~500 kills and ~2000 honor!
I had a blast in the battlegrounds especially learning AV even though I was getting yelled at by someone who stays in the base and studies the map while calling everyone noobs for going to the wrong place.
Today I did a few battlegrounds after dinging 51.
I did...
Arathi Basin...We won!
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Alterac Valley...We won!
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Alterac Valley...We lost.
Warsong Gulch...Victory!
I ended up with around ~500 kills and ~2000 honor!
I had a blast in the battlegrounds especially learning AV even though I was getting yelled at by someone who stays in the base and studies the map while calling everyone noobs for going to the wrong place.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Note to Self #1
Thats right I am level 50 now. (w00t w00t)
Only 8 more levels till outlands, 20 more levels till 70!
Sunken Temple Run
I was talked into a Sunken Temple run around midnight. I have never done it before and I thought what the heck it can't be that long. OMG was I wrong! It took us 4 HOURS!!! We had no wipes but people did go afk every now and again. We started with 2 feral druids, mage, lock, and a pally as our healer. I was going cat form while the other druid was tanking at the start but later on I went bear form so we had two tanks. Worked great! We did have the suicidal mage that liked to AoE all the time and get himself killed. The other druid got DC (or Alt+f4'ed) and we finished without him. The last boss was sick. We got him down to about half and he flies me into the air and I fall and die. The warlocks voidwalker tanked him successfully and the boss was went down. Other drops: The last boss dropped Darkwater Bracers of Spirit, wasn't an upgrade but that could have been the worst thing to have dropped (of spirit wtf blizzard thinking). I cried myself to sleep at 4:30 am EST. I got out-rolled on a nice ring. I won a one-hand axe (which I vendored), and Slitherscale Boots which I added to my healing set. This is the best PUG I have ever grouped with so far.
Note to Self #1
Do NOT start a late night Sunken Temple run if you have plans the next day.
It is Spring Break but I am off to visit family for the next two days and I wont be able to get any WoW time in. (But I am shooting for 51 tonight)
See ya,
Only 8 more levels till outlands, 20 more levels till 70!
Sunken Temple Run
I was talked into a Sunken Temple run around midnight. I have never done it before and I thought what the heck it can't be that long. OMG was I wrong! It took us 4 HOURS!!! We had no wipes but people did go afk every now and again. We started with 2 feral druids, mage, lock, and a pally as our healer. I was going cat form while the other druid was tanking at the start but later on I went bear form so we had two tanks. Worked great! We did have the suicidal mage that liked to AoE all the time and get himself killed. The other druid got DC (or Alt+f4'ed) and we finished without him. The last boss was sick. We got him down to about half and he flies me into the air and I fall and die. The warlocks voidwalker tanked him successfully and the boss was went down. Other drops: The last boss dropped Darkwater Bracers of Spirit, wasn't an upgrade but that could have been the worst thing to have dropped (of spirit wtf blizzard thinking). I cried myself to sleep at 4:30 am EST. I got out-rolled on a nice ring. I won a one-hand axe (which I vendored), and Slitherscale Boots which I added to my healing set. This is the best PUG I have ever grouped with so far.
Note to Self #1
Do NOT start a late night Sunken Temple run if you have plans the next day.
It is Spring Break but I am off to visit family for the next two days and I wont be able to get any WoW time in. (But I am shooting for 51 tonight)
See ya,
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Just Playing.
Blog look different?
I was just messing with the color and things.
Nothing is permanent, I was just a bit bored.
Hopefully I can get in some serious WoW time.
I was just messing with the color and things.
Nothing is permanent, I was just a bit bored.
Hopefully I can get in some serious WoW time.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I have been leveling quite fast as compared to my other guild mates. I am currently level 47 with only 5.5 bars to level 48. The closest one to me is level 42. We do have higher level people in the guild, but they don't play all that much except this one warlock who is level 58. Well, with me being up a bit higher then everyone else, I have had to start relying on pick up groups. At the time I was working on 5 quests I had in Zul'Farrak and I couldn't get any guild mates to go with me so I joined a PUG.
Group 1
I was the healer in this group. I don't mind healing although it is quite boring imo. We started out fairly well until someone in the group decided to post the damage meter every 5 minutes and it quickly turned into a competition instead of a group effort. I have this addon myself but I don't post for everyone, I use it as a personal reference. We had two rogues in this group and the lower level rogue was bragging at the higher level rogue because he was doing more damage then him. This quickly got ugly group wise. The lower level rogue was determined to stay above the higher level rogue and went ahead and attacked mobs whenever he wanted. He then pulled way to much and caused us to wipe but him. He then went on to say it wasn't his fault because he was still alive. (vanish, I'm not stupid.) I held my anger in but "your a jack@ss" did slip out. I left the group and called it a night.
Group 2
In this group I was tanking. I'm not an expert but I was doing pretty well imo. This group also had a guy that had to post the damage meter every 5 minutes. This group also became a competition. I found it very difficult to keep agro. They ticked me off so much I had to stop and I asked them to wait like 15 seconds till I had enough agro before they attacked. They yelled at me telling me thats way to long and just go in like we are doing. I held my temper in and went on with the group. Later on the shaman pulled agro off me and I let him die. Someone posted the damage meter and he lost the top spot. OMG did sh!t break loose. He went on to say I wouldn't be dead if we had a good tank and its not his fault he died. I had to stop him and tell him that he wouldn't be dead if hadn't pulled agro. He replied with "be a better tank". My temper was rising but I held it in. I only stuck with the group only because I wanted to finish the quests I had (I don't think I could deal with another PUG).
So I end this post with a question:
Was I a bad tank for not keeping up with the DPS?
Was the DPS at fault for not staying under my threat?
Please comment.
Group 1
I was the healer in this group. I don't mind healing although it is quite boring imo. We started out fairly well until someone in the group decided to post the damage meter every 5 minutes and it quickly turned into a competition instead of a group effort. I have this addon myself but I don't post for everyone, I use it as a personal reference. We had two rogues in this group and the lower level rogue was bragging at the higher level rogue because he was doing more damage then him. This quickly got ugly group wise. The lower level rogue was determined to stay above the higher level rogue and went ahead and attacked mobs whenever he wanted. He then pulled way to much and caused us to wipe but him. He then went on to say it wasn't his fault because he was still alive. (vanish, I'm not stupid.) I held my anger in but "your a jack@ss" did slip out. I left the group and called it a night.
Group 2
In this group I was tanking. I'm not an expert but I was doing pretty well imo. This group also had a guy that had to post the damage meter every 5 minutes. This group also became a competition. I found it very difficult to keep agro. They ticked me off so much I had to stop and I asked them to wait like 15 seconds till I had enough agro before they attacked. They yelled at me telling me thats way to long and just go in like we are doing. I held my temper in and went on with the group. Later on the shaman pulled agro off me and I let him die. Someone posted the damage meter and he lost the top spot. OMG did sh!t break loose. He went on to say I wouldn't be dead if we had a good tank and its not his fault he died. I had to stop him and tell him that he wouldn't be dead if hadn't pulled agro. He replied with "be a better tank". My temper was rising but I held it in. I only stuck with the group only because I wanted to finish the quests I had (I don't think I could deal with another PUG).
So I end this post with a question:
Was I a bad tank for not keeping up with the DPS?
Was the DPS at fault for not staying under my threat?
Please comment.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Blog Related Information II
To get away from this dull and boring default we are planning on changes.
Our new banner is being made by Bandsidhe. I'm sure she will do a great job with it.
This could be coming anytime as there is no real rush.
Our template is going to stay the same because it seems to complicated for me. If or when I learn how I will change it. As for the colors, I will change these to go along with our new banner when it is done.
Expect those changes as they will be happening soon.
Our new banner is being made by Bandsidhe. I'm sure she will do a great job with it.
This could be coming anytime as there is no real rush.
Our template is going to stay the same because it seems to complicated for me. If or when I learn how I will change it. As for the colors, I will change these to go along with our new banner when it is done.
Expect those changes as they will be happening soon.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Blog Related Information

I found that shocking to find a tree climbing giraffe!
Anyways, this default template is really lame so I'm making some changes. I am working on a new header so expect that within the next week. I'm not sure what I want to do for the template I may or may not change that (mostly because I don't really understand how).
* If you read my blog or have a slight interest in it please post a comment saying I read or something along those lines to make me feel better about myself =P
** I am open to comments and or suggestions, send me an email
Leveling Progress...
Tonight I am level 45! 10/20 bars to level 46.
Bum Weekend
This weekend was not as fun and exciting as I thought it would be. Starting off with computer trouble. Horrible lag! I couldn't kill a mob 2-3 levels below me without almost dieing. I restored everything to default and got deleted some folders, I believe it was the WTF, Interface, Cache folders. That did not work. I fixed everything back the way I like it and cut down on addons. Now my computer is working fine. I guess computers even have off days.
But overall I managed to get 3/4 the way to level 45.
But overall I managed to get 3/4 the way to level 45.
Friday, March 7, 2008
It's Friday!!
Being a bit busy with quarter tests and schoolwork I have not had much time to play WoW during the week. I have Hot Pockets in the freezer and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, I am ready for a fun filled WoW weekend! I will post on what I am up to soon. Till then I am off to Booty Bay.
Being a bit busy with quarter tests and schoolwork I have not had much time to play WoW during the week. I have Hot Pockets in the freezer and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, I am ready for a fun filled WoW weekend! I will post on what I am up to soon. Till then I am off to Booty Bay.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Here is some information about some of things I have on my sidebar...
No Gold Member Site? I thought we wanted gold? We do want gold but buying gold is wrong and should never be done.
Taken from NoGold...
Feel free to check out their website to learn more.
What is that Don't Nerf Trees all about?
Don't Nerf Trees is a petition against the Lifebloom nerf in upcoming Patch 2.4
I was kind of hesitant on supporting either side of this battle but after reading a post on Bellwether's blog called "Lifebloom 101: A guide for the Saplings, the Unseasoned, and the Stupids" I now know what LB does and I know see how the up and coming patch will hurt LB.
Visit Leafshine's site for more information on the petition.
No Gold Member Site? I thought we wanted gold? We do want gold but buying gold is wrong and should never be done.
Taken from NoGold...
" is an organization of MMORPG webmasters who are opposed to the secondary market which exists outside of MMORPG games. Members of our organization have adopted a zero-tolerance policy against gold selling, account selling, item selling, power leveling, exploits, bots, and related "services" which violate the Terms of Service agreement you signed before you began playing."
Feel free to check out their website to learn more.
What is that Don't Nerf Trees all about?
Don't Nerf Trees is a petition against the Lifebloom nerf in upcoming Patch 2.4
I was kind of hesitant on supporting either side of this battle but after reading a post on Bellwether's blog called "Lifebloom 101: A guide for the Saplings, the Unseasoned, and the Stupids" I now know what LB does and I know see how the up and coming patch will hurt LB.
Visit Leafshine's site for more information on the petition.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Mauled Midgets and Steak

As you know I play on Ursin a low population PvP realm. Am I getting ganked often?
...No, not really. Yes I have been ganked quite a few times but I am usually the one killing the little gnomes or the octo-face draenei. I guess I am just good and/or lucky. The fact I'm playing on a low population server is most likely why I'm not having to much trouble.
My PvP Experiences
Around level 25ish I was questing in Hillsbrad Foothills. Not much killing on my part. Turns out Taren Mill is a nice spot for the Alliance (or as we call them Lice) like to hang out. I was killed every half hour. Questing here was horrible.
Around my lower 30's I took a trip to Desolace and did quite a few quests here. Not many people seemed to be here so it was good for me. A octo-face paladin did try to kill me, /cast entangling roots /cast travel form (run away) /cast cat form /cast prowl, works like a charm. ;)
Stranglethorn Vale isn't as bad as Hillsbrad believe it or not.
My most memorable battle occurred here. I like to call it Mauled Midgets and Steak.
I was killing some panthers and some gnome comes and kills me, I rez and prowl around for my revenge. I find her killing some jungle people and kill her back. I continue killing panthers and about five minutes later I run into the rogue along with a priest. They were in the middle of killing some mobs and were both down to about 50% of health. Perfect timing! I kill the rogue first didn't take long and went away at the priest, took me a minute but eventually he went down. As the priest died the rogue had rez'd and began chasing me. /cast travel form. She chased me for two minutes spam yelling things in Common that I don't understand (I wonder what she was saying). I managed to get away but I ran into a ?? Human Warlock. There was no /cast cat form /prowl, he killed me right then and there.

Hit level 44 Sunday and decided to go ahead and switch back to feral.
I loved being a Boomkin. I did crazy damage and was killing things relatively fast. The down time I was having drove me away. Having to stop and drink after killing three to four mobs felt like a lot of time but as feral I am having little to no downtime. Just shift, heal, shift that simple.
I do plan on going back to balance in the future, maybe a pvp spec?
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dinged level 42 today and decided to try out the balance tree. So I hit up the auction house and bought some gear. I spent about 15 gold. I am liking the new spec but there is way more downtime then when I was feral. I'm gonna stick it out and stay balance for a few levels and if it doesn't work out for me I still have m feral gear sitting in my bank.
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